Project Description
Loop is a mirror of the inner world of both its creator and the viewer. It consists of a visual dialogue about our consciousness and the present moment through the journey of a woman and her eternal return. It is a film experiment playing with Plato´s allegory of the Cave that results a hybrid project of fiction, video dance and documentary.
Final Project for the MA Independent Film, Video and New Screen Media (University of East London – 2009). Under the mentorship of Haim Bresheeth, Eyal Sivan, Steve Goodman.
DIRECTOR: Despina Economopoulou
MUSIC: Alain Bremond
WOMAN: Oliva Damiani
SHADOW: Anna Melander
CINEMATOGRAPHY: Despina Economopoulou, Lola Clavo, Kostantinos Levetas, Andreas Stavropoulos
SOUND: Theo Mermigas, Nick Theodorakopoulos
EDITING: Zak Chalkiopoulos, Suzana Scarpa, Despina Economopoulou
SOUND DESIGN: Stephen Royel, Javier Gonzalez, Raul Lucea
ASSISTANT DIRECTORS: Statis Chatzielenoudas, Katerina Costantinou
PRODUCTION: Helena Feliu Garcia, Kalliopi Perdika

Best Experimental Short Film, London Greek Film Festival (2014)
Official Selection, International Festival of Drama, Greece (2014)
Official Selection, BorderBody – Mixing Future International Art Festival, Ferrara, Italy (2014)